Keep Your Dentures White and Bright with These Simple Tips

December 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesforlifeteam @ 8:27 pm
Smiling senior woman with beautiful white teeth

A bright and friendly smile is one of the most attractive features. That is true of both people who have all their natural teeth and those who wear dentures. But how can you keep your dentures looking good? This blog post contains some simple tips to help your prosthetic stay white, bright, and beautiful.

Have a Good Cleaning Routine

A thorough daily cleaning routine can do much to reduce surface stains on your dentures. You should brush your prosthetic nightly with a soft brush and non-abrasive cleaning agent. Soaking your dentures in a cleansing solution overnight can also help to clear away plaque and unwanted pigmentation.

Make Wise Eating Choices

Highly pigmented foods and beverages are more likely to stain dentures. Things like tomato sauce, coffee, black tea, berries, and red wine could all cause your prosthetic teeth to become discolored over time. You do not have to completely avoid such foods, but enjoy them in moderation, and give your dentures a quick rinse after each time you indulge.

Do Not Use Tobacco Products

Cigarettes and chewing tobacco can quickly stain your dentures, causing them to turn yellow or even brown. It is best to quit such habits altogether. If you are struggling with nicotine addiction, your primary care physician may be able to help you break free.

See Your Dentist Regularly

Your dentist wants to help you get the most out of your dentures, so you should visit them twice a year for a cleaning and checkup. Not only will they examine your oral tissues, but they can also take a look at your dentures and professionally clean and polish them. You might be surprised by how much brighter your dentures look after your appointment!

Of course, some types of discoloration are stubborn and may not be removable. Your dentist might propose that you invest in new dentures.

Avoid Whitening Mistakes

Remember, dentures may look like real teeth, but they are made of much different materials. They will not respond to teeth whitening products! In fact, whitening toothpastes and other abrasive products might actually scratch them and cause them to look worse.

Additionally, remember that you should never use bleach or other household chemicals in an attempt to whiten your dentures. They might cause damage, and you certainly do not want their residue in your mouth!

With proper care, your dentures could stay bright, white, and beautiful for several years! Use the tips in this article to maintain a confident smile.

Meet the Practice

Dr. James T. Gray has been serving the Arlington community for more than 30 years. He and our team offer a broad range of services, including dentures, denture maintenance, and more. If you would like to talk to us about how you can maintain your prosthetic, we would be happy to answer your questions. Contact our office at 817-460-4131.