4 Things You Need to Know About Charcoal Teeth Whitening

October 6, 2017

toothbrush with charcoal on bristlesIf you’re one of the millions of people in the US who look to their favorite YouTube channels for beauty recommendations, you’ve likely already heard of charcoal teeth whitening. Many people took to their local pharmacies and health food stores looking for this product the instant they saw it, but this untested DIY teeth whitening plan may be doing more harm than good for your smile. Read this post and consult with a trusted cosmetic dentist near you before trying out any teeth whitening options.

What are my Teeth Whitening Options?

August 30, 2017

Woman with beautiful smile following teeth whitening

If you’ve watched television in the last several years, you’ve probably seen countless commercials detailing the amazing teeth whitening results possible when using a variety of whitening gels, pastes, and rinses. Take a trip down the oral hygiene aisle at your local pharmacy, and you’ll find shelf after shelf of products promising dramatic smile transformations. Safe to say, people have become a bit obsessed with teeth whitening. It’s no secret that many of the Arlington dental patients of James T. Gray, DDS want to brighten their smiles too. We offer both in-office and at-home teeth whitening for our patients. Every treatment plan is completely personalized to meet your unique needs and goals. If you’d like to get started down the road to a brighter smile, call our team to schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation today.
