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Dental Implants – Arlington, TX

Arlington Dental Implants Restoring Smiles

A digital image of a single tooth dental implant in Arlington

Dental implant-supported tooth replacement makes it possible for our team to restore a lost tooth, multiple teeth, or an entire arch. Dr. Gray partners with local specialists for the surgical placement of dental implant posts. These implants are placed below the gum line where they fuse with the supportive gum and bone tissue mimicking the lost root structures of teeth. Once this process is complete, patients return to our office where we’ll place their dental restoration. If you’re interested in replacing one or more teeth with dental implants, contact our team to find out more today.

Benefits of Dental Implants

An older woman lying back in a dentist’s chair and smiling after having her dental implants put into place

Patients who are considering dental implants will want to know why they are a superior choice over other, more traditional tooth replacement solutions. Some of the most identifiable benefits include:

  • Improved aesthetics and boosted confidence
  • Better oral health because of the continuous stimulation to the jawbone
  • Ease of maintenance
  • A restoration that is designed to last decades or longer
  • A natural-looking solution that offers full restoration of your smile
  • Greater stability and fully restored functionality

Indications for Dental Implants

An older woman smiling while her husband smiles in the background

If you are looking for a versatile solution, dental implants are the desired method of treatment. Not only can they replace one missing tooth, but they can also restore your smile if you are missing multiple or all your teeth.

Missing One Tooth

To replace a single missing tooth, a dental crown is attached to one dental implant post. Sometimes, two consecutive teeth can also be replaced with a single implant post by fusing two crowns and anchoring them to the implant.

Missing Multiple Teeth

For three or four consecutive missing teeth, our team will need to attach a series of fused dental crowns, known as a bridge, to two dental implant posts, one on each end. This will give you the completed smile you deserve without requiring additional implants to hold the bridge in place.

Missing All Teeth

When patients have more extensive tooth loss, a dental implant-supported partial or full denture may be recommended. We’ll use partials to fill gaps in patients’ smiles, and full dentures to replace an entire arch of missing teeth. Like their traditional, removable counterparts, these dentures are crafted by molding a gum-colored base that fits between remaining teeth or against the gum line and supports replacement teeth. Rather than being anchored by clasps connected to surrounding teeth or suction between the denture and gums, these prosthetics are attached to between four and six implant posts.

All-on-4/Teeth-in-a-Day Cases

Patients interested in an implant denture who may not have adequate jawbone density to support a traditional implant denture may still be candidates for All-on-4 dentures. These dentures are supported on just four implant posts. All-on-4 utilizes the denser part of the jawbone at the front of the mouth to provide support for all four implants rather than spreading them over the length of the jaw. During a coordinated appointment with a local oral surgeon, two of the implant posts are positioned vertically, and the other two are inserted diagonally from the back of the mouth to the front. This provides support for the whole denture that is immediately placed on top

Partnering with Local Specialists for Surgical Placement

A dental professional performing dental implant surgery on a patient

Dr. Gray has helped numerous patients achieve fully restored smiles with the help of dental implants and trust local specialists to place them. Once you are approved and cleared for treatment, Dr. Gray will refer to you to a trusted oral surgeon who will carefully place each implant into the appropriate areas of your jawbone. After closing the gum tissue, you will return home to recover for 3-6 months. Once you are fully healed, you will make an appointment with Dr. Gray to have your metal abutment(s) and custom-made restoration secured into place.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

A dentist holding a cross-section of two natural teeth and a dental implant while the female patient looks and smiles

Dental implants are one of the costlier tooth replacement options available; however, when comparing their benefits to those of other solutions, it is easy to conclude that choosing dental implants will be much more cost-effective in the long run. While most dental insurance companies do not offer coverage for implant placement, there may be other aspects of treatment that they will cover, such as your initial consultation, metal abutment, or custom-made restoration.

No matter if insurance covers any or all of your procedure, Dr. Gray’s team will be happy to assist in helping to make your remaining out-of-pocket expenses more manageable. You may choose to pay in the form of cash, credit, or personal checks, or if you are having difficulty paying for the remaining cost, we are happy to be a partner with CareCredit, which offers a no-interest financing plan and extended financing plans up to 60 months with interest.

Dental Implant FAQs

A happy middle-aged couple smiling and pleased with their new dental implants

We understand that to most, dental implants are a pretty foreign treatment. That’s why we’ve included a section on a few of the most commonly asked questions we get regarding dental implants, both before and after treatment. We hope that after taking a moment to read through them, you’ll have a clearer expectation for your dental implant treatment and aftercare.

If at any point you feel ready to schedule an implant consultation, contact our office to speak with one of our knowledgeable team members!

Are Dental Implants Safe?

When placed by a trusted professional, dental implants are 100 percent safe, both in the short- and long-term. While Dr. Gray himself does not place the implants in-office, he works with trusted oral surgeons who are experts in the field with many years of experience. Since implants became popular over 50 years ago, dentists and researchers have found more and more ways to place them effectively and safely.

Furthermore, clinical studies have shown dental implants to have a success rate as high as 98 percent, even after 10 years!

How Long Does the Process Take?

Treatment time can widely vary depending on the person. For example, those who need bone grafts are going to have a longer treatment time as their newly donated bone heals. The overall process can take as little as a few months to as long as one year, depending on your medical and dental history, the health of your supporting jaw, and the materials and techniques used.

Will They Feel Like Natural Teeth?

Not only will your teeth look natural thanks to Dr. Gray’s sophisticated implant restorations, but they’ll feel secure and natural.  Eating foods like apples, steak, corn on the cob, and many other chewy and tough foods will be easy again. As long as you keep up with oral care habits and visit Dr. Gray regularly for exams and cleanings, there’s no reason to worry.

Keep in mind that not all implant restorations are created equal, which is why we recommend visiting Dr. Gray for the most aesthetically pleasing restorations in the Arlington area.

How Do I Care for Them?

While dental implants require the same maintenance compared to natural teeth, it’s important that you avoid using all tobacco products. This is especially important during the healing stages, either after receiving a bone graft or after the initial implant placement. Brush for at least two minutes at a time with fluoride toothpaste and floss daily, especially around the implant.  The restoration itself cannot develop decay, but plaque can still harm the surrounding gum tissue holding it in place.

How Long Will They Last?

With proper care, dental implants can last anywhere from 25 years to a lifetime. Thanks to the integration with natural bone, they can withstand daily use without the worry of shifting or becoming loose. Just make sure to keep your gums healthy, as gum disease is the number-one leading cause of tooth loss in adults.

Do you still have questions you’d like answered before your implant treatment? Contact our office today!